UK Election 2015: Your vote matters

london-nightThursday 7 May 2015 will see the nation heading to polling stations until 10pm to vote on the party they believe should win the parliamentary elections.

So what does that mean to you as a student? As the future work force of our country and global economy, we think it’s important you have your say on who represents you in the UK Parliament.

Toni Pearce, President of the National Union of Students (NUS) thinks it’s important too. In a blog post about why students hold the key to next election she said: “There are 197 seats across the country where the sitting MP has a majority of ten percent or less, and so EACH of these seats would need a swing of no more than five per cent to change hands entirely. In all but six of those seats, official Census data shows that the number of students living there is larger than the swing required”.

To help you better understand the party policies which affect students, the NUS Connect website provides links to policy briefings on education, employment and community.

Register to vote

In a General Election, you can vote just once. As a student you may be able to register to vote at your home or term-time address, so that wherever you are, you can still have your say.

Due to the time of year, we anticipate most BU students will vote in Bournemouth or Poole, so make sure you register your term-time address by the 20 April 2015. Soon after you’ve registered you’ll be sent details of your local polling station.

Registering online takes five minutes – the deadline is Monday 20 April 2015.

Find out more – TalkBU

If you want to vote but feel you don’t know enough about it, come along to “An Idiot’s Guide to the Elections” by David McQueen at 5.30pm, Tuesday 21 April in Dylan’s on Talbot Campus, and join the discussion using #TalkBU.

To find out if you’re eligible to vote, check The Electoral Commission website for details.

Research Photography Competition – Vote Now

‘Can you tell the story of your research in a single image?’ That’s the challenge we set BU’s academics and postgraduates earlier this year, and the overwhelming response saw researchers from all across the university downing tools to take up their cameras and think of unusual ways to illustrate their research. The resulting images demonstrate not just the creativity of our academics and postgraduates, but also the fascinating range of research taking place at BU.

Researchers from all across the university working in areas as diverse as dementia, archaeology, kayaking and 3D printing submitted images to the competition, and now we want your help to decide which pictures should form a photography exhibition on Talbot campus later this year.

To vote for your favourite images, visit our research website or Facebook page and vote for as many images as you like. Perhaps a particular research subject strikes a chord with you, or you find a certain image especially evocative – whatever your reasons for having a favourite, the content of the exhibition is up to you to decide!

Make sure you vote to ensure that your favourite image is part of the exhibition on Talbot campus later this year. The deadline for voting is Friday 27 March. Details of the exhibition will follow once voting is complete.

Could you lead SUBU into a new era?

subu_logo_smallThe partnership between SUBU and BU is vital to improving the student experience here at BU. Critical to this are the various SUBU Officers, some full-time, some part-time, who represent YOU. But perhaps YOU could be one of these leaders?

SUBU elections take place soon, so find out below how to nominate yourself or someone else:

  1. Recommend a friend This is a new feature which is a way for any student (or any staff member) to recommend someone for considering standing in the elections. Fill in the form and we will contact them via phone or email with some nice anonymous comments. We will then send them further details about the elections and how to consider nominating themselves.
  2. Youtube videos: We have produced a series of videos about the positions available and more info about the election:
  1. For more information visit the SUBU website or contact: Matt Wall – Representation and Democracy Manager, SUBU

Extension:- 67383
Telephone:- 01202 967383