Adverse Weather Conditions

snow_carouselAll staff, students and visitors are asked to take extra care when travelling to and from the University and while on campus during the winter months. Access routes, paths, roads and car parks will be gritted as required and we will try to keep the university campuses open for business whatever the weather.

In the unlikely event of severe weather conditions, please check for travel updates before leaving home and always follow police travel advice. We will post updates on Twitter, Facebook, the BU website, staff and student portals, myBU, iBU and by email to all staff and students. You can also check the BU Information Line (01202 968999) for recorded updates.

More information and advice is available on the Bournemouth Council website.

Bryce Dyer discusses Paralympic tech for The Conversation

Bryce Dyer, Senior Lecturer in Product Design at Bournemouth University wrote a feature article for The Conversation discussing some of the technology used in the Winter Paralympic Games.

Dyer stated, “Technology has long been a part of sport. Every event, whether it’s cycling, sailing or skiing requires uniquely designed technology. Over in Sochi right now, athletes are showcasing the greatest of innovations being pushed to the limits of their design.”

A number of innovative solutions have been created to assist competitors such as; Bluetooth headsets for the visually impaired, sophisticated sit ski’s where a seat is mounted to a single ski, and electro-acoustic headphones to effectively “aim” by listening to a tone that varies in pitch as they move their gun on target.

One of the newest additions to this year’s Winter Paralympics is snowboarding. For this event, specialised prosthetic limbs have been developed using linkages and pneumatic springs to help absorb impacts, but allowing “competitors to perform manoeuvres without being restricted by weight and mobility”.

“The Paralympic Games showcases novel sports that require innovative solutions to get the best from athletes, be it through engineering, wireless technology or adaptation of traditional equipment.”

Adverse Weather Conditions


The Major Incident Group has reviewed and updated its adverse weather plans and policies in preparation for any disruption to university business over the winter months.

All staff and students are asked to take extra care when travelling to and from the university and to check for updates before leaving home in bad weather.

We will endeavour to keep the university campuses open for business whatever the weather. However, if weather and travel conditions deteriorate, we will post updates on Twitter, Facebook, the university website, staff portal, myBU and by email to all staff and students.

In addition, the university’s Information Line (01202 968999) will carry regular recorded updates.

More information and advice is available at the Bournemouth Council website.