England’s Chief Nursing Officer gives talk at Bournemouth University


The Chief Nursing Officer for England Jane Cummings was among speakers at a nursing society conference which took place at BU.

Jane talked about compassion in practice at the Phi Mu Chapter conference, which took place over two days at the Executive Business Centre.

The Phi Mu Chapter is the English branch of the prestigious Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing, which is made up of nurse leaders from around the world.

Professor Elizabeth Rosser, Deputy Dean (Education) in BU’s School of Health and Social Care is President of the Phi Mu Chapter, and each year an induction ceremony for new members takes place at BU.

Professor Rosser said that this year, alongside inducting around 12 new members, they decided to hold an inaugural conference.

The theme of the conference was ‘Putting people at the heart of nursing care,’ and as well as guest speakers, there was opportunity for members to network and share ideas of best practice and care, with poster presentations, debates and social activities.

Professor Rosser added: “Having Jane Cummings here means a lot to increasing the profile of BU and nursing at BU.”

In her talk, Jane spoke about the importance of compassion in practice and shared her vision behind her new strategy – the 6 C’s of compassionate care.

She said: “Every single decision any of us makes has an impact on patients. “If we do things right and look after people as they come to the end of their lives, it makes such an impact on people.”

She added: “A degree is not the end, it is the beginning. It is about being able to build on that, and staff skills and expertise.

“I’m incredibly proud of the fantastic stuff that’s happening and we need to shout about it.”

Following her talk, Jane explained that she had been keen to find out more about the Phi Mu Chapter and wanted to continue to engage with universities that teach nursing and midwifery.

“I wanted to make sure that I have the opportunity to engage with universities and staff that lecture, and also the students that are entering the professions,” she said.

“I also wanted to understand a little more about the Phi Mu Chapter – its objectives and goals are really worthwhile and I thought it was a good opportunity to be part of it.”

She added that she was supportive of the nursing curriculum taught at BU – which has a focus on humanisation and the 6 C’s of compassionate care.

“The students I have met today have been amazingly positive.

“I’m hoping [that the members who heard her talk] will take away a sense of optimism and a desire to help implement the different areas of action.”

Professor Elizabeth Rosser gives her opinion on proposed changes to nurse training

Professor Elizabeth Rosser, Deputy Dean in Education in BU’s School of Health and Social Care has given her views on the government’s proposed changes to nurse training.

She spoke to BBC Radio Solent’s Drivetime presenter Steve Harris on the day that the Royal College of Nursing branded the proposals as “stupid” – in particular, plans to make trainee nurses spent a year as healthcare assistants before beginning a degree course.

The government says the proposals will help to improve health care, following the Mid-Stafford Hospital scandal and the Francis Report which made recommendations as a result.

But Professor Rosser, herself a Registered Nurse, said that she believed nurses already received enough training.

“Much has already been done to ensure that students are prepared with the underpinning values that were exposed as problems in the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust.

“All the programmes leading to qualification as a registered nurse have for quite some considerable time met EU requirements to have 50 per cent theory and 50 per cent practice. That’s 2,300 hours delivered in practice and each is accounted for, working hands-on with qualified members of staff and delivering patient care.”

She added that the proposals to have potential trainee nurses working in wards for a year worried her greatly.

“It’s putting additional pressure on the mentors who are currently supporting and assisting our students out in practice,” she said.

Professor Rosser went on to say that she believed the greater issue lay with the number of nurses on wards, and under-staffing.

“The focus of the 290 recommendations by the Francis Report was very much on the staffing levels, and getting the correct staffing levels to support the dependency on patient care.”

You can hear her comments in full here.