Mitigating Circumstances and what it might mean for you

A mitigating circumstance is something that:

  • was not within your foresight and/or control
  • is not already registered with BU’s Additional Learning Support service.

and which BU believes might adversely affect your academic performance in one or more elements of assessment.

If you have any mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assignment submission deadline or attend an exam, or if you have circumstances that you feel may have affected your studies during the academic year, you may ask for them to be taken into account by the Board of Examiners. You will need to complete and submit the Mitigating Circumstances Form to your Programme/Framework Administrator together with appropriate supporting evidence (e.g., GP note) BEFORE THE DEADLINES STATED IN 6J-MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES INCLUDING EXTENSIONS: POLICY AND PROCEDURE.

Further details and the mitigating circumstances form.

Information about the BU Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure.

Please make sure you read these documents carefully before submitting anything for consideration.

For additional information and advice please contact:

askBU Students Service
Tel: +44(0)1202 969696 – (internal ext: 69696)


SUBU Advice
Tel: +44 (0)1202 965779 – (internal ext: 65779)