BU Celebrates British Science Week

british-science-week-logo-300To mark British Science Week (13-22 March), BU is celebrating excellent examples of research taking place all across the university.

From 10am on Monday 16 March, students and staff will be able to participate in a range of hands on science activities run by BU’s academics, postgraduates and student societies. This will include fingerprinting activities, face recognition and eye tracking activities, and even opportunities to participate in current research projects.

Over the course of the two days, staff and students will also have the opportunity to hear short talks from academics featured in the 2015 Bournemouth Research Chronicle which will be launched to coincide with British Science Week. Featuring examples of research from all over the university, the BRC gives a small insight into some of the exciting work going on at BU, including improving nutrition in cancer survivors, reducing fatigue in people with MS and mapping auditory processes.

The research featured in the BRC has been published ‘open access’, meaning that unlike traditional models of academic publishing, it is freely available for anyone to read and use. Open access is increasingly becoming a feature of academic life, and it’s exciting to see BU’s researchers are already taking the opportunity to share their work with a wider audience. Staff from the Research Knowledge and Exchange Office will be on hand to answer any questions academics may have about open access after each talk.

To see the full programme of events please visit the Research Blog.

Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Award Winners – Faculty of Science & Technology

Durotrigues-375x250Congratulations to The Durotriges Project Team being Collaborative Team Award Winners 2014 at the Vice-Chancellor Staff Awards 2014.

The Durotriges Project Team were identified as a ‘beacon of Fusion’ to win a VC Staff Award 2014.

The Durotriges Project Team were nominated for the innovative way in which they have blended research, education and professional practice over a sustained period of time in order to enhance the student learning experience, but also to engage the wider community.

The Durotriges Project Team combine, in a wonderful way, research, education and professional practice.  Research because through excavation, they are attempting to unravel the history of the late Iron Age/Early Roman Period in South West England; education because they train generations of students from BU and further afield in the skills of the trade, and professional practice because they engage the wider public and volunteers and help people take the skills they’ve learnt into real life experience”.

This project is a beacon of Fusion that does BU proud.

Professor Holger Schutkowski, Professor of Bioarchaeology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Find further information on the 2014 Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Awards.


Faculty of Science & Technology Careers & Placement team have a new home

From Monday 1 December you’ll find the team in room C237 in Christchurch House on the Talbot Campus. You can still book an appointment on myCareerHub or contact them by email in the usual way.

The team are there to provide you with advice and support when searching for a placement opportunity. Whether you need help finding the best placement opportunity for you, aren’t sure how to start searching for or applying to organisations, or would like some guidance on CV writing and interview techniques, they’re there to help.

Each Academic School/ Faculty offers the same service, all of which are supported by BU’s Careers & Employability Service.