Director Ken Loach to join CEMP’s Spirit of 13 event


Acclaimed director Ken Loach will join young people for a public screening and discussion of films they created after being inspired by his The Spirit of ‘45 film.

The Spirit of ‘45, a 2013 documentary directed by Ken, used archive footage and interviews to look at the radical changes in post-war Britain – including the rapid expansion of the welfare state and the founding of the National Health Service.

He will join a public screening and panel discussion at the British Film Institute of films inspired by the documentary, as part of The Spirit of ’13 project.

The project invited young people aged under 25 to create short films in response to The Spirit of ’45, looking at the issues raised and engaging in intergenerational conversations about the welfare state.

It was set up by the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (CEMP) based at Bournemouth University, and supported by the Media Education Association and the British Film Institute (BFI).

Dr Julian McDougall, Director of CEMP, said: “Ken Loach’s The Spirit of ’45 concludes with a clear and compelling message – that our elder citizens who recall the impact of the new welfare state in Britain must talk to the younger generation, not to impose a political view but to share perspectives on citizenship, society and state.

“CEMP’s Spirit of ‘13 project, supported by the Media Education Association and the BFI, seeks to make this happen, using the medium of film-making to foster inter-generational dialogue.”

The screening and discussion event will take place at the British Film Institute, on London’s Southbank, on December 6.

Ken Loach and Rebecca O’Brien from Sixteen Films, a producer on The Spirit of ’45, will join Julian, some of the under 25s who made films for the project and some of the senior citizens who appeared in The Spirit of ’45, on the discussion panel.

It will be filmed by students from Bournemouth University and put online as part of the Spirit of ’13 project.

Julian said: “Ken Loach’s endorsement of the project and willingness to participate in the discussion shows his commitment to passing on the legacy of his films and sharing The Spirit of ’45 with The Spirit of ’13.

“The films explore themes arising from the film, with a focus on current debates about, and challenges to, the welfare state in the UK – including unemployment, the healthcare system and education.”

Find out more about the project and watch some of the films created by young people on the Spirit of ’13 website.