Calling all students! If you are looking for housing for 2014/15 then we’d recommend you wait until the new year to start your search. Properties will be advertised from November onwards but there is usually more to choose from in the new year. Please don’t believe the rumours that all the best houses go first!
We do however recommend that you start doing your research now though. You will be better prepared and have all the info you need when you do begin your search. It’s worth looking at what fees you will be charged by each of the agents as the fees do vary quite considerably.
Did you also know that the University has its own letting agency? As we are part of the University we can offer you the lowest admin costs in Bournemouth that we are aware of and which also includes a personal possessions insurance policy with that fee. Over the last 6 years we have built up an excellent reputation and can now offer a number of varied properties for your continuing years of study. We are now the sole recommended letting agent of SUBU which is something that we are proud of.
The BU Letting Service will be happy to answer any questions you may have about renting accommodation in the private sector. When the time is right we can book you viewings for the houses that you have an interest in. We will take you to see these properties and when you find a house you like we will go through all of the paperwork with you. A University staff member has seen all of the houses that we are advertising and therefore you can be assured that if we know of any continued issues with them we wouldn’t be advertising them! And remember, the fees we charge are the lowest we would expect you to find when compared to our competition.
We have an office based in Melbury House on Lansdowne Campus so you are free to come in and see us or you can check out our website.
We wish you luck with your studies this year and look forward to helping you find next year’s Accommodation when you are ready to start looking.