BU teams in final of European student advertising competition


Two teams from Bournemouth University (BU) are in the final three for a student advertising competition that received entries from across Europe.

The teams – each made up of four BU final year BA (Hons) Advertising students – are through to the final of Ad Venture, an annual competition organised by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) for students across Europe.

It is the first time two teams from the same university have been named as finalists in the competition, which aims to give students a taste of life working for an advertising agency.

Melanie Gray, Lecturer in Advertising and Marketing at BU, said: “This is a fantastic achievement for those students that have reached the finals of this European competition.

“It really does make all the teaching staff here on the BU Advertising degree immensely proud, both of the students and also for what it says about the degree course.

“Although entry into this competition is an integral part of their final year unit Campaign Planning, the quality of student entries from Bournemouth does reflect their entire education and experiences they have had over all their time here at BU.”

Teams are given a brief to create a campaign around, with this year’s challenge being to raise awareness of opportunities in Europe to support young people in gaining work experience.

The two finalist teams from BU – called Daffadowndilly and Fellow – will head to Barcelona on 9 May to present their campaigns to leading comms professionals from across Europe at the edcom conference.

The winners will receive a week at the Cannes Lions Festival in June, the biggest festival for those in the creative communications industries.

Daffadowndilly – made up of Rachel Banks, Darrell Pont, Georgina Robb and Joel Blackie – will be presenting their campaign called Map Your Future.

Daffadowndilly team photo

The Daffadowndilly team

Georgina, who acted as media planner for the group, said: “To get this far in the competition has been a very exciting but unexpected accomplishment. The team has worked so well together and enjoyed the challenge of a European brief.

“Presenting our idea to the judges in Barcelona will be a great opportunity that we are looking forward to. We’re also very proud for BU to be representing two out of the three final teams.”

Fellow – Laura Merchan McAulay, Florence Evans, Cameron Black and Marta Cownburn Cuesta – responded to the brief with a campaign called Change The Story.

Cameron, who was the Creative for the Fellow team, said they were “absolutely over the moon” to have reached the finals.

He added: “We feel incredibly proud to have the opportunity to represent BU at a European level and end our degree on a high.”

It’s not the first time students from the Corporate Marketing Communications department at BU have had success in Ad Venture, with BU students winning the competition in 2012 and a number of finalist spots over the years.

Melanie said:  “Once again, stand out achievements like this show that the BU Advertising degree produces some of the best quality student work in the country.”