The cycling facilities at both campuses are available to all students. These include secure storage compounds, changing rooms, lockers and shower facilities. To access these please take your student card to Poole House Reception and ask for access to the relevant areas.
Please ensure you secure your bike properly, we would recommend investing in a D lock to secure your bike. Subsidised D locks are available from the Students Union shop. More information on cycle safety and security can be found on the Student Portal.
Talbot Campus
Secure cycle compounds can be found at:
- The back of Kimmeridge House
- The back of Christchurch House
- By the Student Village.
Showers and changing facilities are located at the back of Christchurch House, by the secure compound, and are also accessed using your validated student card.
Lansdowne Campus
Secure cycle compounds can be found at:
- The rear of Bournemouth House
- Executive Business Centre (EBC)
- Melbury House
- Studland House (in both above and below ground car parks)
- Halls of Residences.
Shower, lockers and changing facilities can be found at:
- Bournemouth House ground floor
- Studland House, floors 5 & 7
- Melbury House, alternate floors
- Executive Business Centre, alternate floors.
As part of the Local Sustainable Transport Funding, BU has installed Bike Pumps/Repair Stations at each of the cycle compounds.
If you’re interested in having your bike serviced free of charge, the new Dr.Bike service will be visiting both Talbot and Lansdowne campuses on a monthly basis.