SUBU’s March Update
Posted on Monday, April 13 2015
The past few weeks have been a very busy month for SUBU, not least with the opening of the Student Centre at Talbot Campus and the Engine Room in the Old Fire Station at Lansdowne.
The team of full-time officers have implemented new activities and initiatives with success, including:
Refresher’s Fair: New societies were launched and existing clubs saw more sign-ups
RepFest: 50 student reps got involved with this training event
GOAT team: The plans for the Go Out and Talk team are established and the pilot is ready to launch
New student forums: Some new forums have been created just for students who are the first in their family to attend university
One World Day: 21 cultures from across the world presenting to over 150 students
Addressing Lad Culture: A BU-wide group has been established to support the development of campaigns to empower students to challenge ‘lad culture’ on and off campus
HSS Placement Support: New video planned to provide support for students on professional course placements