BU’s New Student Centre
Posted on Friday, February 27 2015
We’re really pleased to announce that yesterday we got the keys to your new Student Centre.
The building will be a great new space for you to study, socialise and get involved with your Students’ Union.
There’s still some work to be done before we open the doors, including the internal fit-out and moving of SUBU offices. You can follow the preparations and progress.
We’ll officially open the doors on Monday 23 March 2015 and then you’ll be able to go inside, have a look around and start using the facilities, which include:
- High quality space for collaborative working
- SUBU offices
- A student advice centre
- Two cafes
- Radio and media studios
- Bookable meeting rooms
- Access points for student services.
Take a look at the new Student Centre website to see images of the completed building, up-to-date FAQs, a floor plan, details of how to book rooms and much more.
If you would like to send us your feedback or if you have any additional queries please email studentcentre@bournemouth.ac.uk.
The opening of the new Student Centre marks an important milestone in BU’s on-going investment in world class facilities, improving student experience and reducing our impact on the environment.