Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Award Winners – Faculty of Media & Comunication

Posted on Tuesday, December 9 2014

ChinduSreedharanCongratulations to Dr Chindu Sreedharan from The Media School on winning the Academic Staff – Unsung Hero Award at the Vice-Chancellor Staff Awards 2014.

Dr Chindu Sreedharan was nominated for the inspirational and innovative extra-curricular activities he has organised for students, using his creativity to provide an outstanding learning experience.

“One of Chindu’s most notable projects was ‘Project India’ where he had undergraduate and postgraduate journalism students from BU working together on the Indian Elections with institutions in India.  The students loved it and what a great experience for them.”

Dr Ann Luce, Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Communication, Media School

“Chindu’s enthusiasm and passion for what he’s doing are really infectious.”

Dr Einar Thorsen, Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Communication, Media School

“Chindu really encapsulates BU’s vision and values … That’s why we nominated him!”

Dr Ann Luce, Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Communication, Media School

Find further information on the 2014 Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Awards.