Festival of Learning shortlisted for national award
Posted on Tuesday, May 13 2014

Only in its second year, BU’s Festival of Learning has already attracted national attention – having been shortlisted for a UK-wide award within the Business/Community Engagement Category at the Heist Awards.
Projects or campaigns that engage with the local community and/or businesses are the key criteria for this particular award.
Established for over 20 years, The Heist Awards have become the premier awards programme for marketing in the sector and exist to recognise and celebrate professionalism and innovation in education marketing.
The awards event will take place in July in Manchester.
This good news could not come at a better time as the festival team is launching the Festival of Learning on Tour on Saturday 17 May in Bournemouth Town Centre.
The centrepiece to the event this weekend is a Bubble Artist from Berlin, who will be hosting some interactive bubble making classes for everyone to try their hand at.
An Activity Gazebo will also be home to many hands-on activities and stands for visitors to come and get involved in – including hands-on soap making sessions and some famous psychology experiments run by researcher Ashley Mitchell, including the video test ‘Did you spot the Gorilla’ – a must try for adults and children alike.
The activities will be running on Bournemouth Square, in the town centre, from 11am to 5pm.
The Festival of Learning 2014 takes place between 9-15 June with over 150 free events on offer.
To find out more and to register for events, log on to the Festival of Learning website.