Paid internship for student winner of New Media Writing Prize
Posted on Thursday, November 28 2013
Students who enter the New Media Writing Prize could win a three month paid internship at a top e-company, worth £3,000.
The international competition showcases story-telling specifically created to be accessed through new media devices, such as computers, hand-held tablets and mobile phones.
Entries could be anything from a short story, novel, documentary or poem using words, images, film or animation with audience interaction.
The competition is run by BU’s Media School and has a specific student category, with a prize of a 3 month paid internship at Bournemouth-based e-company Unicorn Training – worth £3,000.
Competition organiser, James Pope, said: “This competition attracts the best innovative writing from around the world, and is truly breaking new ground.
“Each year we see terrific work that showcases new-media as the future of storytelling.”
There will also be an overall winner, who will receive a £1,000 prize donated by if:book UK and a People’s Choice winner, chosen by readers through an online vote, who will receive £250.
Winning entries will be published on new media web-hub, The Literary Platform, the Bournemouth University website and will be showcased at the Awards Ceremony, which takes place on January 22.
Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges including Joanna Ellis, Associate Director at The Literary Platform, Chris Meade, writer and founder of if:book UK and Dan Franklin, Digital Publisher at the Random House Group in the UK.
Dan said: “I’m delighted to be involved with the judging of the New Media Writing Prize again this year: it respects the fact that media is converging, authors are adopting new skills, and writing is changing.”
The competition also aims to provoke discussion and raise awareness of new media writing, the future of the written word and storytelling.
The awards ceremony, which is free to attend and open to all, takes place at BU’s Talbot Campus from 6.30pm on 22 January and will feature talks from leading new media authors.
The closing date for student entries to the New Media Writing Prize is Friday December 13 at 12 noon GMT. Each entry should be submitted by email to
To see previous winners and for more information about the awards visit the New Media Writing Prize website.
Book a free place at the New Media Writing Prize awards ceremony.