Student-led project to impact mountain communities
Posted on Monday, November 18 2013

A project to help and support communities living in mountainous regions across the world is to start at Bournemouth University.
The Students’ Union at Bournemouth University (SUBU) is partnering with AleeVee8 for the volunteering project that will see students work alongside the charity to promote its work and support the start of its project in Nepal.
A launch event took place at Bournemouth University, attended by AleeVee8 patron Tobias Ellwood MP, where students were invited to find out more about the charity and its plans for the future.
Chelsey Groves-Cooper, a final year student on the Communications and Media course at BU, brought the project to the university’s attention after completing an internship with AleeVee8. She is now one of two students heading up the project on behalf of SUBU and she is encouraging students to get involved.
Chelsey said, “I think people should get involved with aleeVee8 because it is a great cause, they will be helping others whether indirectly or directly, and ultimately they will have the chance to do some good. Students will get a lot out of this for themselves as people and as professionals, all the transferable skills and attributes gained can be put on their CV’s- making them more employable when leaving university.”
Chelsey continued by talking about what the project has done for her personally, “This experience has been so valuable to me. I have grown in confidence and have more faith in myself as an individual and as a professional. I have realised what my real passions and interests are and have gone through a huge learning curve. Ultimately, I feel this experience is so rewarding because I know that I am helping people in some way, even if it is in the long run. Coming from South Africa originally, I have seen poverty first hand and it’s sickening.”
For more information about the AleeVee8 project you can visit the SUBU website.