BU maintains fairtrade status
Posted on Monday, June 24 2013

The report provided some excellent feedback about the work done here at BU in support of Fairtrade and we are as determined as ever to uphold our continuing status.
The report particularly highlighted the strength of BU´s Fairtrade Policy, the wide range of products available on campus including Fairtrade cotton products, the inclusive nature of the campaigns, the range of events on campus and outreach work with local schools.
Katheryn Wise, Campaigns Officer at the Fairtrade Foundation, said: “We are delighted to renew Bournemouth University´s Fairtrade Status and thank you for your continuing hard work and support. Bournemouth University is clearly committed to Fairtrade, and this shows in your success in upholding and surpassing the 5 goals.”
Amanda Williams, Environment and Energy Manager, said: “It is fantastic news to hear that we have maintained Fairtrade University status for a further two years, and we are thrilled to have received such positive feedback from the Fairtrade Foundation. We have had wonderful support from students and staff, who have really got behind the campaign and organised some fantastic events.”
To find out more about the five goals BU had to achieve as a university in order to maintain Fairtrade status, please read the Fairtrade Review, which also provides key Fairtrade dates and highlights the products available on both campuses.
BU was awarded ‘Fairtrade University’ status in 2006 and is now one of over 160 Fairtrade Universities and Colleges across the UK.
Fairtrade is a tool for development that ensures disadvantaged farmers and workers in developing countries get a better deal through the use of the international FAIRTRADE MARK.
By buying Fairtrade products, you help to make a difference to those in developing countries. If you´d like more information about Fairtrade at Bournemouth University please contact fairtrade@bournemouth.ac.uk